Reasons Your Social Security Disability Benefits Could Be Denied
Social Security Disability Benefits are available to help those people who are unable to work due to their illness or disability. However, it isn’t as easy as filling out paperwork and getting money. Many people are denied because they make a simple mistake on their application. Others aren’t eligible due to the extent of their illness. Here are some other reasons why you may not be eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits.
You Make Too Much Money to Receive Social Security Disability Benefits
Social Security Disability Benefits are for those who are unable to work (or have to cut back on their hours). These benefits are for those struggling to pay their bills because of their inability to work.
Your Illness or Disability Won’t Last More Than Twelve Months
In order to be eligible for these benefits, your illness has to last at least twelve months or longer. If you get hurt in a car accident, you may be out of work for two or three months, not a year or more. However, if you were seriously injured and will be out of work for more than a year, you may get these benefits.
You Refuse to Cooperate
You are going to be open during the process. Further, you are going to have to release all of your medical records and some financial ones too. During the application process, you may also be required to visit an SSA doctor. If you don’t comply, you aren’t going to get the Social Security Disability Benefits that you need.
You Don’t Listen to Your Doctor
When you are under care, you are going to have to follow all of your doctor’s orders. He or she is going to prescribe certain therapies that you need to follow. If you don’t, you may not be eligible for benefits. That being said, you may be able to get out of this. If you are unable to leave your home or have surgery or you can not afford the therapy, you may be able to get benefits. If you are against a certain therapy due to your religion, you may be able to get your benefits.
Your Disability Is Due to Your Addiction
If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol, you may be denied benefits. This can be a tricky one because sometimes you can still get benefits, as long as your drug and alcohol use doesn’t affect your disease.
If You Are a Criminal, You May Be Denied Social Security Disability Benefits
You won’t get benefits if you are a felon. You also can’t receive benefits If you get injured while in prison.
If You Got Your Benefits by Being Dishonest
If you committed a crime of fraud in order to get your benefits, you may be denied.
Hire a Lawyer if Your Social Security Disability Benefits Are Denied
Because there are so many loopholes when it comes to your Social Security Disability Benefits, you need a lawyer on your side. He or she will be able to talk to you about your case to see if it is worth applying for benefits. If you have been denied, but don’t think you should have, he or she will be able to help you appeal.
If you have been diagnosed with a disease or illness that it is keeping you from being able to support you and your loved ones, then give The Keener Law Firm a call. We can talk with you during your FREE 30-minute consultation to better understand what is going on and determine if we can help you get the compensation that you deserve. Don’t hesitate to fill out a contact form, or give us a call at 770-955-3000 today.