Getting Social Security Disability Benefits Because of Lupus Disease
Getting Social Security Disability Benefits Because of Lupus Disease
Lupus Disease is a life-changing inflammatory disease that occurs when your immune system begins to attack your organs and body tissues. Its symptoms are not only complex but can also be unpredictable. If you are living with Lupus, then you probably understand that life can feel challenging sometimes.
The good news is that you are not alone. According to the Lupus Foundation of America, about 1.5 million Americans are affected by this disease. Moreover, if you have severe symptoms, you can qualify for disability benefits.
How Can Lupus Disease Qualify You for Social Security Benefits?
Lupus can be quite aggressive. In some cases, it doesn’t respond to treatment accordingly. As a result, it may significantly limit your ability to work. When it gets to this point, the Social Security Administration may consider you disabled. Therefore, you can get accepted into a Social Security Disability program.
How to Determine if Lupus Disease Has Disabled You
Lupus disability guidelines are available in the Social Security Administration’s Blue Book which can be hard to interpret without the help of a medical practitioner or some experienced Google-Fu (defined as a skill that a person might have or develop to get good results on Google.com). It is a good idea to consult your doctor to help gather the much-needed evidence of Lupus disability if you are having trouble gathering the evidence on your own.
Note that not every Lupus patient will automatically qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits. The Social Security Administration has a criterion for determining if the disease qualifies an individual as disabled. Here is what is considered when you apply for disability benefits:
- Do you work currently?
- Would the Social Security Administration consider your condition “severe”?
- Does the condition you have show up on the list of disabling conditions that the Social Security Administration considers to qualify a person as disabled? (In this case, yes. Lupus does show up on this list in the section 14.02 of the Adult Listings.
- Are you able to do the work that you were doing previously?
- Is there any other type of work that you could do?
Special Situations That The Social Security Administration Considers
There are some situations outside of what is normally considered for disability benefits that the Social Security Disability Administration might refer to. Those situations would be the following:
- Being blind or having low vision.
- You are the widow of the worker who recently passed away.
- You have a child with a disability.
- You are a wounded warrior or veteran and are interested in receiving benefits.
You can also show your Lupus disability by proving the condition has immensely compromised your daily living and social functioning. If you choose this path, symptoms such as fatigue, joint pain, fever, and weight loss should be evident. The severity of the symptoms should limit you from working in any capacity. Even so, proving this may not be enough to get your disability benefits. Therefore, you may need a Social Security Attorney to help you get what you or a loved one needs to help support themselves.
We Help With Filing and Appealing
Unfortunately, one might not be able to show the Social Security Administration what sort of problems they are having and therefore might struggle with getting their claim approved. Working with local Atlanta attorneys can help an applicant get through the complex regulations.
The Keener Law Firm understands your plight. We have fought for people like you many times and won our claimants the benefits they deserve. We are also aware of what the Security Administration needs to approve your application. If you have recently been diagnosed with Lupus and can barely provide for your family then pick up the phone and call us at Call now: 770-955-3000 or visit us online at www.KeenerLaw.com.