Do Social Security Disability Benefits Automatically Qualify You for Medicare?
Medicare is available if you are 65 years or older. However, Medicare coverage also extends to people with disabilities to help them meet their medical expenses. As such Medicare coverage does not have an age bar but if you are below the age of 65 years, you must be on Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits to be entitled to Medicare.
You can get Medicare coverage if you qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). At The Keener Law Firm, an experienced and knowledgeable SSD benefits lawyer can help you plan your medical expenses in advance by communicating when your coverage will start and what it will cover.
Does Winning SSD Benefits Automatically Qualify You For Medicare?
Merely winning Social Security Disability benefits will not automatically qualify you for Medicare coverage. To qualify for Medicare coverage, you must be suffering from a disability and must have also been approved for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. In most cases, you will have to go through a waiting period of 24 months to receive SSDI benefits before you can get Medicare coverage. Therefore, even if you got approved for SSDI benefits, you won’t be enrolled in Medicare if you became ineligible for the program before 24 months.
The 2-year waiting period starts the first month you receive SSD benefits check from the SSA. At the very beginning of the 25th month of your SSDI benefits, you will automatically get Medicare coverage.
Exceptions To The 24 Months Norm
Generally, you have to wait for a period of 24 months on SSDI benefits before you get enrolled in Medicare. However, there are two exceptions to this norm. If you suffer from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig’s Disease, you will get Medicare coverage in the first month of receiving SSDI benefits itself.
Similarly, if you have the end-stage renal disease (ESRD), your Medicare coverage begins after receiving 3 months of dialysis treatment.
How To Apply For Medicare Coverage
There is no application process for getting Medicare coverage. If you suffer from a disability, you only need to apply for Social Security Disability benefits. Therefore, your disability should meet the standards set by the Social Security Administration to qualify for SSD benefits. Generally, it means that you are unable to work because of the disability and the disability condition has lasted for at least one year or is expected to last for at least one year or result in death.
Medicare does not concern your eligibility for SSDI benefits. You do not have to take any further steps once the Social Security Administration approves your application for disability benefits. You will just have to wait for the mandated period of 24 months, and you will be enrolled in Medicare coverage on the expiry of this period.
You will automatically receive your Medicare card at the end of the 22nd month of your SSDI benefits. Once you become eligible for Medicare coverage, you will get coverage from the program in Parts A and B, which is also called original Medicare.
- Medicare Part A: This Part takes care of hospital stays and other types of short-term patient care, including skilled nursing facilities. Generally, no premiums are to be paid for Part A Medicare coverage.
- Medicare Part B: Part B is used to pay for different types of medical services, such as doctor and specialist appointments, emergency room visits, ambulance services, medical equipment, preventive care, and some medical supplies. Generally, a monthly premium is to be paid for Medicare coverage under Part B.
Returning To Work After Getting Enrolled In Medicare Coverage
You can keep getting Medicare coverage benefits, as long as a medical professional considers you medically disabled.
However, if you do return to work, your Medicare costs will depend on your age. If you are under age 65 and return to work, you will not have to pay any premium for Medicare Part A for the next 8.5 years.
if you are still under 65 years old after the 8.5-year period expires, you will have to start paying the monthly Part A premium. The standard monthly premium for Part A coverage depends on your work history. If you have fewer than 30 working quarters, that is, 7.5 years of coverage, you pay a monthly premium of $506/month. On the other hand, you pay a standard monthly premium of $278/month if you have 30-39 working quarters, that is, more than 7.5 years or less than 10 years.
Contact An Experienced And Knowledgeable SSD Benefits Lawyer At The Keener Law
If you or a loved one is unable to work because of a disability, it may lead to considerable medical expenditure and financial stress. However, an accomplished SSD benefits lawyer at our office can help you understand Medicare coverage benefits and eligibility criteria. Contact The Keener Law Firm today for a free consultation and claim review.