Can You Speed up Your Social Security Disability?
The truth is that, once you apply for your Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), it can take months to hear back from them. Then, if you are denied, it can take months to go through the appeal process. This can be horrible for those who live paycheck to paycheck. Missing an income and dealing with unexpected medical bills can really make it even worse. It can also be bad if you only have a few months to live. Lucky for you, the Social Security Administration (SSA) can speed up your benefits and if you qualify then your circumstances will be considered “critical” by the Social Security Administration. Here are some ways that you may get your benefits sooner.
Compassionate Allowances
The SSA has a Compassionate Allowances program, which outlines more than two hundred and fifty illnesses and injuries, allowing people to get their benefits early. This includes certain types of cancers, neurological disorders, and much more.
Most of the time, you shouldn’t have to ask for compassionate allowances. When you apply for benefits, the Social Security Administration has certain flags. They will bump your application to the front of the line. That being said, it doesn’t hurt to include this information in your application (learn more about applying for Social Security Disability).
Terminal Illness
If you are facing a terminal illness, your application will be automatically pushed to the front of the line. Diseases like AIDs, stage four cancer, and those in hospice are automatically given benefits quickly. It also applies to those who are waiting for an organ donation or bone marrow transplant.
Though your application will get flagged, you may also want to put a note in your application.
Dire Financial Need
If you are seriously struggling to keep a home over your head and food in your belly, you may be able to expedite your claim due to dire need. Further, if you lose your home or can’t afford your medications, you will qualify for this special case.
If you are facing financial hardship, you should call or submit a “dire need” letter explaining why you need your benefits as soon as possible. If you are appealing your case, you may also qualify to get that expedited due to dire need.
Military Service
Disabled veterans, otherwise known as wounded warriors, can get their benefits more quickly than others. You need to identify yourself as a veteran in order to get your benefits sooner.
Potentially Violent Circumstances
If an individual is suicidal, homicidal, or potentially violent then the claimant’s case could be marked as potentially violent and “critical”.
Professional Help With Social Security Disability
If you are struggling to get through your day and need your benefits as soon as possible it might be a good idea to see if you qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance. No matter what your condition is, you should never go through the process alone!
If you have been diagnosed with a disease that doesn’t allow you to support yourself and your loved ones, give us a call at 770-955-3000 or fill out a contact us form on the homepage or contact us page of our website. Here at The Keener Law Firm, we will meet with you for a FREE thirty-minute consultation. At that time, we will determine if we are able to help you get the compensation that you deserve.