The Differences Between Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability
The differences between Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability might not be obvious at first, but understanding how to distinguish between the two can help with determining which is right for you. Many individuals get SSI (Supplemental Security Income) and SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) confused which is understandable. These two Federal programs, both administered by
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How To Get PTSD Social Security Disability Benefits?
Social Security Disability Benefits for PTSD are possible for many Americans. The truth is, when most people think about Social Security Disability, they think about physical conditions like people who are unable to walk properly, or those who have lost limbs, and other physical conditions that would keep someone from being able to work. That said, mental
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Social Security Disability Payment Information
Social Security Disability payment information is important to have when taking the first step towards getting your benefits. While every case is different, the estimated average Social Security disability benefit amount for a disabled worker receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is $1,358.30 per month as of December 2021. These benefits are based on average lifetime earnings,
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Mood Disorders and Social Security Disability
Mood Disorders and Social Security Disability may go hand in hand with each other. Did you know mood disorders can qualify an individual for Social Security disability benefits? It is true and actually these disorders make up almost 13 percent of those receiving disability benefits. A few of these disorders include: Often a misunderstood illness, mood
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Social Security Disability Myths
Social Security Disability Myths are everywhere, and when it comes to Social Security disability, there are probably more myths than there are facts. Here are a few to remember: Let us debunk the myths and get you the benefits you deserve. Check out what Mr. Burrhoughs has to say about our firm. Improve your chances of winning
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Substance Abuse Issues and Social Security Disability Benefits
Substance Abuse Issues and Social Security Disability Benefits are not unheard of. Substance abuse issues can be hard for individuals and families. The suffering person may even not be able to work due to liver issues, heart issues, etc. However, such an individual may be eligible for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits. To be clear, you
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What Qualifies as Disabled?
What qualifies as disabled and how you qualify for Social Security disability benefits are two totally different topics. Today, we are here to share how the Social Security Administration (SSA) decides if you are disabled. According to the Social Security website, “if you have enough work to qualify for disability benefits, they use a step-by-step process involving
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Can You Qualify For Social Security Disability If You Have Cancer?
Can you qualify for Social Security Disability if you have cancer? If you or a loved one is battling cancer, did you know you or that individual may be eligible for Social Security disability? It is a fact and one that many do not know about when battling cancer treatment. Social Security supports people who are
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Appealing Social Security Disability Benefits
Appealing Social Security Disability Benefits is an important step in getting the compensation you deserve. It is completely normal to feel discouraged after being denied Social Security Disability benefits. As a matter of fact, many are denied Social Security Disability benefits. There are a number of factors that can lead to your claim being denied. Maybe you are
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Why Should You Hire A Social Security Disability Attorney?
Why should you hire a Social Security Disability attorney? Well, actually there are many reasons why you may need a Social Security disability attorney. Perhaps you suffer from a disease or illness that has left you unable to work. Maybe you have been injured in an accident and going back to work is not an option.
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