How Much Does Social Security Disability Pay In Georgia?
Do you live in Georgia? Do you struggle with a disability that requires ongoing treatment and has rendered you unable to work and enjoy many of life’s day-to-day activities as you used to? If so, you may have arrived at this page wondering whether or not you qualify for Social Security disability benefits, and if so, how much you might qualify to receive. These are important questions to ask.
What Type Of Disability Benefits Are Available?
Generally, the Social Security Administration provides two types of disability benefits for disabled individuals. The type that you may qualify for will depend upon your unique circumstances and whether you satisfy various criteria set forth by the SSA. The two types of benefits include:
- Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI): SSDI benefits are those benefits that the SSA pays to “insured” individuals who are found to have a qualifying medical disability that renders them unable to work for 12 consecutive months or more. In order to be “insured,” an individual must have worked at a job through which he or she paid into the Social Security system for a sufficient length of time.
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits: Unlike the case with SSDI benefits, those who receive SSI benefits do not have to prove that they were “insured” as a prerequisite to being approved. Instead, individuals who receive SSI benefits must have income and resources below a certain threshold, which is determined yearly by the SSA. As is the case with SSDI benefits, in order to be approved for SSI benefits, an applicant must be able to show that he or she has a disabling condition that has rendered them unable to work for a year or more.
Consulting with an attorney will be extremely helpful for purposes of determining the type of benefits for which you may qualify, and is always advised.
How Are Benefits Calculated?
Once you have determined which type of benefits you may qualify for, you will likely want to know how much you might receive. It is important to understand that generally, it does not matter which state you live in for purposes of determining the amount of benefits you might receive, as Social Security disability is a federally funded program that is administered across all 50 states.
Even so, there are maximum amounts that may be received, and understanding how those calculations are made can be helpful. Let’s take a closer look at how benefits are calculated and determined depending on whether or not you receive SSDI benefits or SSI benefits.
- SSDI Benefits: Insofar as SSDI benefits are concerned, payments are typically calculated based on work credits and income paid by the disability recipient into the system. However, there are maximum limits to this monthly amount, which are determined by the SSA each year. In 2023 for example, the maximum SSDI amount that can be received each month is $3,627. According to the SSA, although this is the maximum amount, the majority of the individuals receiving disability receive somewhere between $1000 and $2000 per month.
- SSI Benefits: SSI benefits are typically calculated based on what is known as the “federal benefit rate”. In 2022, the federal benefit rate was $841 for an individual and $1261 for a couple. Additionally, in Georgia, anyone who receives SSI is typically also eligible to receive Medicaid and food stamps benefits. The amount will generally be determined by monthly income and location. Consulting with an attorney as to which benefits you may qualify for is essential.
Often, we are asked whether an applicant can collect both SSDI and SSI benefits simultaneously. The answer is that yes, it is possible. In order to do so the individual must not only have a qualifying disability that prevents them from working but also have income and resources below the legal threshold despite receiving SSDI payments. If you believe you may qualify for both types of benefits simultaneously, consulting a knowledgeable and experienced attorney is always advised. Regardless of your legal issue in pursuing disability benefits, at the Keener Law firm, we are here for you.
The Keener Law Firm – Here For You
If you are disabled and you live in Georgia, you should know that there is a talented and experienced legal team ready and waiting to help you pursue the disability benefits you need and deserve. At the Keener Law Firm, we are passionate about helping our clients assert their rights so that they can move forward toward a better and brighter chapter ahead. If you are tired of struggling alone, pick up the phone. We would welcome the opportunity to offer you a consultation and let you know how we may be able to help. There’s no day like today to get started. We look forward to speaking with you soon.